11 research outputs found

    Perancangan Tataletak Gudang dengan Metoda Dedicated Storage Location Policy (Studi Kasus : PT. X)

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    PT. X berencana akan melakukan relokasi gudang ke area yang lebih besar. Pengaturan tataletak produk saat ini menggunakan metoda randomized storage. Produk dengan jenis yang sama ditempatkan pada lebih dari satu lokasi dan tidak adanya lokasi penyimpanan produk yang tetap. Cara penyimpanan seperti ini tidak efisien karena operator pengambilan akan membutuhkan waktu untuk melakukan pencarian terutama jika operator yang bertugas mengambil dan menyimpan produk adalah orang yang berbeda. Disamping itu, cara ini juga dapat mengakibatkan jarak tempuh operator menjadi lebih panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang ulang tataletak gudang untuk lokasi baru dengan kriteria maksimasi utilisasi luas lantai, memperlancar proses penyimpanan dan pengambilan produk di gudang, dan minimasi total jarak tempuh operator. Perancangan tataletak gudang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode dedicated storage location policy. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh rancangan tataletak gudang usulan memiliki total luas lantai terpakai sebesar 343,80 m2 dengan Ekspektasi total jarak tempuh 4.137 m per hari

    Work Posture Analysis at The Spinning Department of Textile Industry using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) Method

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    The work posture of a worker affects not only his efficiency but also to his health. To a job with a high repetitive process, a bad posture will make a worker vulnerable to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study is aimed to analyze the working posture of workers engaged in the textile industry, especially in the spinning department. The work posture assessment is conducted using Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). The photo took while the worker was doing their work at the production process of yarn is used to analyze the worker’s work posture. Some postures were identified under high-risk levels which potentially causing upper limb disorders then it requires immediate change. Recommendation regarding improving the body posture while working is provided

    Designing a Relief Distribution Network under Uncertain Situation: Preparedness in Responding to Disaster

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    None can predict a disaster precisely: where, when, and how big a disaster will strike one area. This situation leads to uncertainty in such as required demand and supply availabilities. To an area that has been identified threatening by a natural hazard, a possible disaster scenario may compile. Since time is vital in disaster response operations, developing strategies to speed up emergency response is necessitated. This study is aimed to develop a stochastic model for a location-allocation problem in responding to a forecasted disaster. Our stochastic approach recommends a number and locations of local distribution centers (LDCs) that are required to be set up in the initial stage of the response phase and a number of relief items that will be dispatched to survivors in the affected areas through the proposed relief network. A mixed delivery strategy is applied in a 3-tier of a relief distribution network encompassing warehouses, LDCs, and shelters. This strategy provides the affected people in some of the shelters to receive relief items directly from nearby warehouses, while the remaining shelters will get supplies indirectly through the opened LDCs. Comparing to the indirect strategy that shelters are permitted to receive aid goods only through LDCs, the proposed mixed delivery strategy provides more efficient and effective relief distribution. The probable tsunami in West Sumatra, Indonesia, known as Mentawai Megathrust, is employed to illustrate the developed model. The model will be beneficial for disaster managers to improve the performance of a disaster relief operation

    Perancangan Ulang Tempat Pakan Ayam Broiler Menggunakan Metode Reverse Engineering

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    Pemberian pakan ayam broiler umumnya masih dilakukan secara konvensional yaitu dengan memasukan pakan ke dalam wadah pakan secara satu persatu. Pekerjaan ini dilakukan berulang-ulang, bersifat monoton, dan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup yang lama sehingga kurang efisien. Dengan menggunakan wadah pakan konvensional ini didapatkan banyak pakan ayam yang tumpah karena tergoyang saat ayam berebut makan. Saat ini, alat pakan ayam otomatis sudah dijual di pasar tetapi harganya cukup tinggi. Peralatan pakan otomatis ini menggunakan wadah pakan yang berbeda dari yang biasanya digunakan sehingga jika usaha peternakan ayam akan menggunakan peralatan otomatis maka wadah pakan lama tidak digunakan lagi sehingga terbuang sia-sia. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang ulang tempat pakan ayam konvensional yang dapat membuat pekerjaan pemberian pakan menjadi lebih efisien dan mengurangi jumlah pakan yang terbuang. Perancangan ulang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode reverse engineering. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa beberapa komponen tempat pakan ayam konvensional dapat digunakan pada rancangan usulan. Rancangan tempat pakan ayam usulan untuk kapasitas kandang 9000 ekor dapat memberikan penghematan waktu pemberian pakan sebesar 35% dan jumlah pakan ayam terbuang sebesar 66% dari sebelumnya dan biaya investasi sebesar 75% dibanding menggunakan alat pakan otomatis yang dijual dipasar saat ini

    Model Integrasi Pengendalian Pengiriman TBS, Produksi, dan Transportasi CPO pada Agroindustri Kelapa Sawit

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    Ketersediaan produk di agroindustri kelapa sawit dapat terjamin dengan mengelola aliran material dan produk, mulai dari pemasok, produsen, hingga distributor. Koordinasi antara  pemasok, produsen, dan distributor diperlukan untuk mendistribusikan CPO sebagai output pada industri tersebut. Kebijakan transportasi akan mempengaruhi kebijakan produksi dan distribusi mereka sehingga kebijakan persediaan dan kebijakan transportasi harus diintegrasikan. Artikel ini mengembangkan model integrasi yang menjelaskan dari tahap persediaan TBS sampai kepada transportasi CPO sehingga menunjukkan hubungan rantai pasok yang berkelanjutan. Selain itu, model ini juga mempertimbangkan kebutuhan pelanggan yang terikat pada waktu dan biaya. Model menunjukkan kondisi di setiap tahap seabagai suatu hubungan yang saling berkaitan. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk menentukan model yang dipakai untuk menganalisis kebijakan produksi di pabrik, kebijakan pengisian kembali di pusat distribusi, dan kebijakan transportasi dari pabrik, dalam rangka untuk meminimumkan total waktu dan biaya sistem transportasinya. Dalam mengembangkan model ini, digunakan tiga pendekatan, yaitu: kebijakan terkoordinasi, pengiriman TBS dari kebun, proses selama kegiatan produksi, dan juga perhitungan terkait kegiatan transpotasi selama pengiriman berlangsung. Karena model ini diklasifikasikan sebagai pengembangan metode VRP, maka solusinya dapat dicari dengan menggunakan metode yang terintegrasi untuk ketiga permasalahan yang dibahas agar didapatkan model integrasi untuk ketiganya

    Pendampingan Penentuan Industri Unggulan dan Program Pembangunan Industri Kabupaten Solok

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    The industrial development process needs to be well planned so that the process can be carried out in a systematic, comprehensive, futuristic and measurable manner. The planned national industrial development policy has been outlined in the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN) 2015-2035. Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics for Solok Regency in 2022, it is known that the role of the agricultural sector in the regional economy is illustrated by its contribution to the Regency's Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) Solok is still very dominant, while the contribution of the industrial sector is still around 5%. Therefore the Solok Regency Industrial Development Plan is needed to accelerate the achievement of the abovementioned target. It is even hoped that it can exceed the target. In addition, it intends to have a systematic and measurable plan for achieving the future industrial development vision in Solok Regency. The Solok Regency Industrial Development Plan for 2022-2042 has been prepared with a complete study, referring to relevant documents and field visits related to community business potential and existing resource potential. Five leading industries had been determined due to a study in Solok Regency

    Embracing Open Science in Industrial Engineering Education: A Roadmap for Pedagogical Innovation

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    Integrating open science into industrial engineering education forms the cornerstone for pedagogical innovation in the era of rapidly advancing technology. This article crafts a roadmap for adopting open science within industrial engineering education, anchored on the United Nations' recommendations for open science and accreditation requirements for engineering education. Using a systematic review of relevant literature, we extrapolate vital concepts, potential implementation strategies, and potential challenges. The study aims to illuminate the pathway to enhancing inclusivity, relevance, and global reach of industrial engineering education through the lens of open science

    Budaya Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, dan Shitsuke di Industri Kecil Menengah Kerupuk Azizah

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    This community service activity was carried out by designing a cabinet for finished products and handing over the cabinet to a small and medium industry producing various types of crackers, namely IKM Kerupuk Azizah. IKM Kerupuk Azizah used open shelves to store packaged finished products. This practice was unhygienic and risky. Animals like rats and insects ate and damaged the materials and products. In addition, the warehouse needed to look more tidy. Moreover, from an aesthetic point of view, it was unattractive. A storage cabinet was designed to solve this problem. In designing the cabinet, available space, the number of piles of finished products, and the dimensions of the packaged finished products were considered. The results showed that, with a storage cabinet for finished products, IKM Kerupuk Azizah improved products’ quality and hygiene so that consumers would have more confidence in purchasing the products. In addition, IKM Kerupuk Azizah also applied the Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke (5S) principles in their work environment to create a clean, healthy, and comfortable workplace

    Key performance indicators of disaster preparedness: a case study of a tsunami disaster

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    Disaster impacts on human life not only in economic sector but also social, culture, and environment. In order to minimize the disaster risk, it is expected all elements who exposed to the forthcoming disaster make a good disaster preparedness then they will be resilience toward the disaster. Since individual as one of disaster stakeholder who will face a disaster directly, it is expected that they will participate actively in disaster reduction efforts. This study is aimed to design key performance indicators for measuring the disaster preparedness level of an individual. Using the Delphi method, it is obtained 14 indicators of three critical factors identified. The preparedness level of an individual against a disaster is plotted in 2-dimension matrix (awareness & attitude versus actions taken). The indicators are designed for assessing disaster preparedness of people who live in a tsunami disaster prone area. The indicators can be used by the government to assess the preparedness level of their citizens. Moreover, the indicators will be helpful for government in developing disaster preparedness program to improve people resilience against disaster

    Key performance indicators of disaster preparedness: a case study of a tsunami disaster

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    Disaster impacts on human life not only in economic sector but also social, culture, and environment. In order to minimize the disaster risk, it is expected all elements who exposed to the forthcoming disaster make a good disaster preparedness then they will be resilience toward the disaster. Since individual as one of disaster stakeholder who will face a disaster directly, it is expected that they will participate actively in disaster reduction efforts. This study is aimed to design key performance indicators for measuring the disaster preparedness level of an individual. Using the Delphi method, it is obtained 14 indicators of three critical factors identified. The preparedness level of an individual against a disaster is plotted in 2-dimension matrix (awareness & attitude versus actions taken). The indicators are designed for assessing disaster preparedness of people who live in a tsunami disaster prone area. The indicators can be used by the government to assess the preparedness level of their citizens. Moreover, the indicators will be helpful for government in developing disaster preparedness program to improve people resilience against disaster